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What is LIMS? : Lab Information Management System Advantages & Disadvantages

What is LIMS? : Lab Information Management System Advantages & Disadvantages

Today’s diagnostic laboratories experience increasing sample load, generate large volumes of data and manage high customer expectations. They not only provide quality testing services but also guide public health management. The greater onus of public health makes it vital for labs to boost their capabilities and enhance efficiency across laboratory
Why you should Implement cloud-based integrated HIMS

Why you should Implement cloud-based integrated HIMS

The aim of this article is to provide a practical reference to help the hospital  IT  department and decision-makers of the healthcare industry. They can analyze and consider the implications of cloud-based solutions for their organizations. This article includes guidance and strategies designed to help decision-makers, who may be new
Challenges and Problems in On-Premise HIMS solutions

Challenges and Problems in On-Premise HIMS solutions

Nowadays hospitals are facing a lot of challenges while Implementing an on-premise Hospital information management system as well as many challenges even after implementation of On-premise HIMS. Few major challenges i.e  Implementation challenge,  data Security challenge, operational challenge, customer support challenges, system update, and new feature upgrade challenge. So have
Healthcare SaaS: Why cloud-based SaaS is the future of Health care?

Healthcare SaaS: Why cloud-based SaaS is the future of Health care?

Cloud-based solution vs On-premise solution for healthcare IT – Which is the best choice for Hospital? Most healthcare providers in India, US, UK, and other parts of the world truly embrace the benefits of cloud-based  IT systems. Earlier many healthcare organization use a traditional system which needs to be installed
What is the impact of technology on Healthcare Industry

What is the impact of technology on Healthcare Industry

In today’s world technology plays an important role in the health care industry as well as in our personal lives. Developments in technology have a good impact on individuals. The starting of the professional practice of medicine is a continuous development of technology in the Health care industry. The numerous
Application of AI in Healthcare

Application of AI in Healthcare

In India, there is a scarcity of skilled doctors to patients. According to the Indian Journal of Public Health(2017 edition), there are 4.8 doctors who had been practising per 10,000 of the population which is expected to grow 6.9 per 10,000 of the population by the year 2030.
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